My new Minis

Unfortunately I didn't have my camera for our last game and I was only able to grab a grainy shot of the objective once we had stopped playing. So I decided, today being nicer weather, I would take some photos of my new mini's.

Liberation (RH Models) Rhodesian infantry in shorts with a bren gunner, a paint conversion from a South African infantryman.

The same group but with the Bren gunner close up to show the uniform.

2 Infantry sticks, the figures in helmets are Combat Miniatures (now sold by stonewall miniatures) Israeli infantry for the Yom Kippur war. They have weapons and equipment very similar to that used in Rhodesia, so work well together. I have seen pictures of Rhodesian soldiers wearing Israeli/British style para helmets, I'm not sure if this means they were paratroopers or not.
Trackers moving through a swamp.
These guys I painted up as RSAS (Rhodesian SAS obviously). I think they are great minis and look fantastic when painted up. I can't wait to get these guys stuck in a jam.

RSAS jumping out of a trusty Alouette 3. I have painted this in Rhodesian colours. I didn't feel like making the diffuser for the exhaust, so it's not strictly accurate, but I prefer it this way. The model is made by Heller and I was lucky enough to find a few models for sale here in the UK. It does in fact come with clear plastic for the windows but I'm not very good at making them and I don't think they look that realistic anyhow. It is painted in Revell acrylic blue grau and brushed with Dayler Rowney gloss acrylic medium.


Al said…
Nice figures Ed, interesting units.
Ed said…
Cheers Al
it's a period I've been wishing to get into for a while now. I've got lots more figures to finish also so there'll be more pics coming soon

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