Spanish Artillery

Some of my SCW Artillery and my scratch built paddle-steamer. The steamer is made from Bass-wood and plasticard with a few details stuck on. The gun is made of 2 widths of styrene tubing inside one another.

I like the moustache on the LMG armed Legionnaire, make me think more of Mexico than Spain...

Fascist Artillery in the shape of WW1 vintage German field guns.

Republican Artillery in suitably motley dress, manning an (unless I'm very much mistaken) Ordinance Quick-firer 13 lb. What I like about the SCW is that whatever guns you've got lying around, if they're the right vintage, there's a very good chance they were used. Both Republicans and Nationalists had guns from France, Germany, Russia, Turkey, Great Britain and so on. Again all figures (and guns) here are Irregular.


johnpreece said…
I like the artillery. I am looking forward to the next lo of releases from Hat. I especially have my eye on the mountain gun which will become mule carried for my Moorish artillery.

You can use a lot of the crew figures as well either straight out of the packet or with a minor conversion. I may try some head swaps, which worked well when I was oyu r age but seem much more fiddly now.


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