More Colonials

Just to prove I hadn't given up the blog, or worse... I spent the morning photographing the troops I have painted since my last post (July). As I promised here are some of the figures I painted. Most of these were actually painted last summer but I haven't photographed them until now. Unfortunately while photographing these figures I noticed how few of them where in fact properly based.

Jacklex colonial artillery with my Naval Brigade, actually Revell ACW Confederates.

SHQ Royal Marines from their Boxer Rebellion range. I have painted them as Zulu war era Rifles.

Strellets Indian Cavalry some new ones and some old re-based.

Jacklex Egyptian Lancers. I think these are supposed to be in Khaki for the Omdurman Campaign but I have painted them in the old uniform so they can fight against my Brits for Tel el Kebir.

Egyptian Infantry from Waterloo 1815. These are great figures but unfortunately you don't get enough to make a full S&TF platoon, but you do get a disproportionate amount of command figures.

Some Sudanese Infantry from the same set. These are nice figure but again you only get 3 poses and not many of each.
More on the way...


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