The title and label of this post will probably make most of you think this evening was much more exciting than it really was. Yesterday afternoon I soaked an AML 90 armoured car, I bought recently from ebay (apologies if you were bidding on it as well), in Dettol . According to the instructions I found, you mix the Dettol with water, drop in the item that you wish to strip and leave overnight. Then you scoop the miniature out, give it a bit of a scrub in some warm, soapy water and hey-presto it's ready to go... ...Or not. I now have a claggy, black toothbrush (not that it was going to use it for my teeth again mind), a ruined washing up bowl, a kitchen that smells like a hospital and a 20mm AML 90 that is still covered in oily black paint. Oh and my hands are covered as well. But initially I was impressed, after a day, the milky dettol substance had flecks of black floating round the jar and when I hooked the miniature out, a lot of the paint had come off. ...