
Showing posts from February, 2010

Modern US Sniper

I thought I might need some US agents to be going deep cover in my imaginary African conflict zone, Libatia. So I painted up this Ceaser US desert infantry sniper. It was my first real attempt at painting ACU camo (my first attempt was 3 years ago when my painting wasn't all that great). All in all I'm rather pleased, the colours are all about right and in the flesh, on the table it really looks rather realistic.

Modern Africa

As promised here are some of the modern africa figures that I have painted. The Army troops I painted about 18 months ago but the militia only about 2 months ago. They are all liberation miniatures except the militia leader who is a paint conversion of an Orion Chechen rebel. If I remember the government troops are painted up to be Nigerian Army. I was inspired to get into modern Africa after playing the fantastic Farcry 2.

Dastardly Dervishers

These guys are a mixture of old ESCI muslim warriors and waterloo 1815 Dervish army. I thought I had a few more Hadendowa than this...but I guess once I've mixed in a few riflemen it will bulk out the platoons a bit. I'm especially fond of the mounted Emirs in the Waterloo 1815 set, but again too many of them, you get 4 in the set, so thats 1 for each 8 men!

More Colonials

Just to prove I hadn't given up the blog, or worse... I spent the morning photographing the troops I have painted since my last post (July). As I promised here are some of the figures I painted. Most of these were actually painted last summer but I haven't photographed them until now. Unfortunately while photographing these figures I noticed how few of them where in fact properly based. Jacklex colonial artillery with my Naval Brigade, actually Revell ACW Confederates. SHQ Royal Marines from their Boxer Rebellion range. I have painted them as Zulu war era Rifles. Strellets Indian Cavalry some new ones and some old re-based. Jacklex Egyptian Lancers. I think these are supposed to be in Khaki for the Omdurman Campaign but I have painted them in the old uniform so they can fight against my Brits for Tel el Kebir. Egyptian Infantry from Waterloo 1815. These are great figures but unfortunately you don't get enough to make a full S&TF platoon, but you do get a disproportionat...

Samurai Armour

Went to the V&A week before last. they have a great section on Japan with some fantastic armour. I took these but neglected to make a note of when, where and who so unfortunately I have no information on them, sorry. But they're good inspiring pic's all the same.