Been away for a while, but I'm finally back after some mamoth painting of all the miniatures I got a Salute. Here are some pictures of a wargame I played today using my new Yugoslav wars figures (being a mixture of Liberation Miniatures, ESCI warsaw pact, Orion Modern Russians and Ceaser Miniatures modern urba resistors). The aim of the game was for the VRS (Bosnian Serb Army) player to keep the main highway clear in order for reinforcements to be brought up to the frontline. However Bosnian Militia and paramilitaries have set up roadblocks along the highway and are gathering in strength in the town. The VRS first objective is to clear the roadblock in order too get supplies and troops to the front. Secondly they must establish the strength of the Bosnian units in the area and if possible route them out from the town in order to negate the threat to military traffic. In turn 1 the VRS troops leapfrog toward the nearest buildings, taking it in turn to cover each others advance. Bos...